Star Activation™ Method

The Star Activation Method consists of energy transmissions that I channel in the form of healing light, sound (non-auditory in human form), and high vibrational frequencies that clear and reset your energy field by activating the light body.

The light body is your human energy field that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

When there’s disharmony in your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual body, you can experience a feeling of disconnect that can leave you far away from your truth and your soul’s mission.  

The Star Activation energy transmissions connects to your galactic self as gateway to access your truth and deprogram any templates that are not serving.

In receiving these high-frequency energies, your light body will harmonize, and you align back to your Soul Blueprint, allowing you to operate at your highest potential.

Your soul carries a blueprint that is unique and can never duplicate. It is essential to remember your highest potential by removing limiting programming from your energy field.

As you know, everything is energy. Imagine all the unseen energies that get accumulated into your energy field and into your subconscious mind that you don’t even realize you’re operating from a different blueprint that doesn’t belong to you. As a result, you may find yourself in roles that are disempowering and unfulfilling.


  • Re-align to your mission

  • Clear relationship and business blocks

  • Rediscover your unseen gifts and talents that have been lying dormant

  • Gain energy and expansion to your human field

  • Experience more synchronicity through intentionally tapping into the alignment of your own Soul Blueprint

  • Receive multidimensional clearing. You are a multidimensional being; you have access to your wisdom and gifts from this lifetime and other lifetimes, realities and dimensions.  When we take this into account we’re able to call in certain soul fragments that are wanting to integrate into this lifetime that play a key role in your purpose.

  • Free yourself from limiting human beliefs, ancestral, trans-generational, societal, cultural, religious, and parental programming, and other earth bound energies that have been absorbed, limiting your potential

  • Expand your manifestation power

  • Expand alignment to your true self and finally express yourself from a place of innate knowing