Star Activation Audiovisual

Enjoy this Star Activation audiovisual for Hope. 

It is not the time to give up on yourself, nor is it the time to be hopeless.

If anything, it is the time to stop giving your power away to external sources and stand strong in the deep knowing of your soul’s calling.

Without hope, there’s fear.

With fear, there’s control.

With control, there’s enslavement.

If we look at the Map of Consciousness by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Hope resonates with the level of Willingness at the energetic frequency of 310, a more expanded state than a contracted state.

𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲 is the very thing to cultivate within that will allow you the space for clarity and use your genius ideas to overcome any form of fear.

As you watch this audiovisual, ask for the Star Activation of Hope to override any fears you may have that are contracting your energy field. Allow your energy field to expand back to your true inner knowing of your soul’s calling.

Press play below and enjoy your journey.