Ready to unlock your highest potential and take charge of what your soul was made to do?

Accessing Your Codes Of Alignment

Remove energy blocks and reignite your fire with this powerful energy activation.

This 60 min energy activation is called the Star Activation™ Method.   

The “Star Activations” are energy transmissions that are connected to your very own blueprint.

Your soul carries a blueprint that is unique and can never be duplicated.  It's important to remember your highest potential by removing limiting programming from your energy field.

As you know everything is energy.  Imagine all the unseen energies that gets accumulated into your energy field and into your subconscious mind that you don’t even realize you’re operating from a different blueprint that doesn’t belong to you.

As a result you may find yourself in roles that are disempowering and unfulfilling.

Accessing Your Codes of Alignment focuses on Forgiveness of Self by clearing the energies of unhealed relationship patterns that are keeping you at bay from your soul’s mission.

These codes of alignment are keys to unlocking your greatest potential. By awakening these codes you’re able to access deeper information connected to your intuitive gifts which then allows you to take inspired action. 

Press play below and enjoy your journey.